Make Faster
Creative Decisions

Dragonfly AI offers Mondelèz real time visual predictive analytics for data driven decision making at every step of creative production.


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Is your creative getting
enough attention?

Predict how likely it is that
your audience sees your creative

Build Bigger Profits with Data Informed Creative

See how Dragonfly AI works



Stay up to speed with an AI platform that works with your team in delighting your customers with efficient testing that ensures Mondelèz can make faster decisions when it comes to creative assets.

Group 48095789

Return on Investment

You are a leader in branded snacks, ingredients, gum and candy. But where your budget is challenged is the sheer cost of traditional testing. Launch quality creative consistently for your consumers without comprising on RO

Group 48095799

Empowered Creative Decisions

We are in the new age of food service with tech evolving constantly. Giving your team the tools to make the most empowered creative decisions means higher quality supported by data validation at every stage of production.

Group 48095793

Increase ROI with DragonflyAI

Optimise the effectiveness of visual content across any channel with instant actionable insight

Faster Design Process

Increased Revenue

Data Driven Decisions

High Quaility Creative Scale

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Trusted advisors

The training you will receive from our customer success team puts the power in your hands so that you can navigate the tools with confidence. It is also important that you connect with a human expert who will support you in your continued experience with Dragonfly.

The data does most of the leg work but the explanation, support and understanding comes from our reliable team.

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What do our clients say


We created a dialogue and thought leadership which would not have been possible without a tool like Dragonfly AI. We’re excited about rolling this out across other divisions.

case study 1
Connor Smyth
Whyte & Mackay

At Optopus we used Dragonfly AI during the creation process of mobile-ready hero images. Dragonfly AI emulates the behaviour of the human brain; to analyse e-Content in the way a person browsing a website would. This shows us whether the content is communicating what it needs to and whether the messaging is clear. Thanks to MRHI, brands that have placed their trust in Optopus have managed to increase sales by up to 40%

Sílvia Aguilar
Silvia Aguilar
Optopus EU

Book a 15-minute demo

Predict what your customers see first, improve conversion rates across all sales channels. Request a demo with one of our specialists.