Game Changing AI for Ecommerce Testing & Optimization

The gold standard of online shopper insights, for global brands

Discover insights
in real-time

With Dragonfly AI for ecommerce, tap into the real potential of your ecommerce website and product listings. Gain actionable insights into how your customers view and interact with your platform.

Speak with our team to learn more

“We had a 263% greater ROI and 203% sales uplift with Dragonfly AI!”

Trusted by the World’s Leading Brands

Empowering your e-commerce team with Dragonfly AI

Improve your conversion rates.

Assess the impact of hero images, A+ content, and B+ content in the ecommerce environment. Determine which creative elements stand out from the competition, ensuring optimal conversions and sales in diverse regional markets globally.

Increase engagement.

Understand what grabs your customers' attention. Optimize product images, hero banners, and graphics to ensure the right focus.

Creative Benchmarking: Understand what good looks like.

Compare your assets to industry-best performers, ensuring you always hit the mark. With up-to-date data, know how you stack up against competitors or past successes.

Real-time feedback.

Implement changes and get instant feedback on how these impact user interaction and engagement.


Effortlessly generate reports tailored to your needs. Choose from visually engaging formats for presentations or data-centric layouts for in-depth analysis.


Cater to different demographics and regions, understanding how content performs globally.

Take a deep dive into our ecommerce AI tools to see how it works

Features tailored for Ecommerce Testing

Global creative benchmarking.

Boost decision-makers' confidence by comparing creative benchmarks across regions for consistent and peak performance.

Context Libraries.

Build libraries tailored to your products and audience, ensuring you have the right context every time.

"Dragonfly AI revolutionized our online store, allowing us to better understand our customers and refine our product listings for maximum impact.

Ready to elevate
your ecommerce testing?

Don't get left behind. Dive into unparalleled insights with Dragonfly AI and ensure your ecommerce platform stands out in the crowded marketplace.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is Dragonfly AI different from other ecommerce analytics tools?

Dragonfly goes beyond standard analytics, delving into visual attention, image effectiveness, and real-time user interaction insights, giving a deeper understanding of user behavior.

Can Dragonfly AI integrate with my current ecommerce platform?

Absolutely! Our tool is built for seamless integration with various platforms, ensuring smooth operation.

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Dragonfly AI

Creative performance prediction for global brands

Book a 15-minute demo

Predict what your customers see first, improve ecommerce conversion rates across all sales channels. Request a demo with one of our specialists.