Quirks New York showcases crème de la crème of insights

12 June, 2024 • 4 minute read

Quirks New York showcases crème de la crème of insights


Who doesn’t want a good excuse to visit the big apple? 

Quirks New York is taking place on the 17th to 18th July at 429 11th Avenue. It is a meeting of market research and insights professionals from some of the most impressive global brands. 

There are so many incredible brands being represented by amazing speakers, here are a few to look forward to: 

The predominant link between a lot of the sessions is AI and how it is supporting market research and insights now and going forward. Topics cover AI in media, AI-supported innovation, AI-powered insights, client listening with AI, conversational AI, and generative AI to name a few. 

There are also sessions discussing empathy, neurodiversity, private label, consumer-centricity, modern qual, and behavior handling.  

Dragonfly AI were at Quirks Chicago with Jeffrey Wu, Principal Scientist at MARS Wrigley earlier this year exploring the key elements of consumer decision-making.  


We’re looking forward to seeing you at Quirks New York as well where our CEO, Steve King, will jump into ‘understanding the consumer’s split-second decisions with AI’. 

Get your tickets here and find us at Booth 124! 

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